Saturday, March 23, 2019

Sitecore Migration Opportunities

Recently I was discussing with one of my sales colleagues who look after Digital transformation projects in the IT world. While we were discussing, an interesting topic came around is “Migration” and none of the Digital transformation projects end without performing a migration. Migration can be of different scale, platform, life span…etc but all agreed that we need to have a clear vision and roadmap on migration for a successful transformation project. Since I am from MS technology background and on the content side, an interesting question thrown on me asking “What are the possible migration tracks” that we consider when we go and look for potential opportunities on “Sitecore”.
Based on my experience and strategy of Sitecore product, I could call out 3 tracks that we can consider for Sitecore Migrations –
  1. Standard Sitecore Migration – legacy version to Sitecore 9.x, either be a standard version upgrade or complete digital experience transformation to Sitecore 9.x
  2. Legacy CMS to Sitecore – outdated CMS platforms like SharePoint, OpenText, HP TeamSite, WordPress to Sitecore 9.x
  3. Non-CMS to Sitecore – of course still some customers are not leveraging the benefits of CMS but trying to build their CMS focused products on .NET/Java/Php…etc

Areas to focus and consider
Standard Sitecore Migration – Enterprises who already have Sitecore as a platform for Web/Portals focusing on both B2C and B2B but on legacy versions like 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x who does not leverage the latest benefits available in Sitecore 9.x version (like Marketing Automation, Headless CMS, SXA, Machine Learning…etc).
Of course, as-is upgrades are now possible and can be done rapidly using Express Migration tools (check the version compatibility at first sight 😊), Sitecore documented upgrade approach (this is bit manual and need concentration while performing the activities). But nowadays, most of the service providers have a decent level of experience performing this kind of migration/upgrades with their in-house tools as well.
Also have a quick check on modules like ExM, FxM, xDB, WFFM, Workflows (if any), Custom Reports through MongoDB, legacy connectors..etc
Legacy CMS to Sitecore – As we all know the strategy of SharePoint Onprem (& O365) is more towards the collaboration and digital workplace. I see a good chunk of opportunity for the legacy CMS’s to move towards Sitecore because of the Analytics, Integration frameworks (like Salesforce, Dynamics, DAM.etc), Integrated Marketing automation and blended Commerce (in CMS) which we don’t get in SharePoint kind of platform. The list does not end with SharePoint, it is something relatable to every other legacy CMS deployed at enterprises focusing on B2B/B2C & as revenue generators.
Definitely, we need to consider and plan the migration path for such stack in detail which includes the multi-site, multi-lingual, forms, data items, permissions (both authentication & authorization), Analytics, the publishing process, global deployments/rollouts…etc. Also consider the reusability aspects like customizations, integration service points, connectors(if any), infrastructure, software licenses like SQL..etc which will play a crucial role in the overall implementation cost.
Lastly, validate the benefits & ROI for business by doing this CMS migration at the enterprise level.
Non-CMS to Sitecore – I see this as quite an easy way of doing only when customer understand the importance of CMS and benefits he/she is going to get at an enterprise level through COT CMS products like Sitecore, till then it is one of the toughest jobs in the world 😊. Firstly, we need to educate the customer on CMS and then make understands how Sitecore can help to fulfill the requirement. Moving away from .NET based systems to Sitecore can be quite straight forward as compared to java/php..etc because of the core framework.
Nevertheless, we should consider Sitecore PaaS (Cloud) is one of the possible destinations as compared to On-premises Sitecore (IaaS on Cloud) while performing the Sitecore Migrations in the overall digital transformation. 

I hope this gives an insight into the Sitecore opportunities we can think of. Please comment below the various other aspects to consider for the benefit of everyone.

Note: The opinions expressed are solely my own and not the views of my employer.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Gartner's ECM Product Ratings

Here you can see the ratings provided by technology vendors who use various ECM products. Based on the capability, business usage, problem solving easiness the vendors have provided ratings as well their reviews on individual ECM products.

Here you go for it -

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Extract Files & Metadata from SharePoint

here the quick powershell script which can be used to extract files & metadata present in SharePoint.
This script wont work if the file name or path exceeds beyond the SharePoint url limit (260 characters)

# This script will extract all of the documents and their versions from a site. It will also
# download all of the list data and document library metadata as a CSV file.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
# $destination: Where the files will be downloaded to
# $webUrl: The URL of the website containing the document library for download
# $listUrl: The URL of the document library to download
#Where to Download the files to. Sub-folders will be created for the documents and lists, respectively.
$destination = "C:\Export"
#The site to extract from. Make sure there is no trailing slash.
$site = "http://yoursitecollection/yoursite"
# Function: HTTPDownloadFile
# Description: Downloads a file using webclient
# Variables
# $ServerFileLocation: Where the source file is located on the web
# $DownloadPath: The destination to download to
function HTTPDownloadFile($ServerFileLocation, $DownloadPath)
 $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
 $webClient.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
function DownloadMetadata($sourceweb, $metadatadestination)
 Write-Host "Creating Lists and Metadata"
 $sourceSPweb = Get-SPWeb -Identity $sourceweb
 $metadataFolder = $destination+"\"+$sourceSPweb.Title+" Lists and Metadata"
 $createMetaDataFolder = New-Item $metadataFolder -type directory 
 $metadatadestination = $metadataFolder
 foreach($list in $sourceSPweb.Lists)
  Write-Host "Exporting List MetaData: " $list.Title
  $ListItems = $list.Items 
  $Listlocation = $metadatadestination+"\"+$list.Title+".csv"
  $ListItems | Select * | Export-Csv $Listlocation  -Force
# Function: GetFileVersions
# Description: Downloads all versions of every file in a document library
# Variables
# $WebURL: The URL of the website that contains the document library
# $DocLibURL: The location of the document Library in the site
# $DownloadLocation: The path to download the files to
function GetFileVersions($file)
 foreach($version in $file.Versions)
  #Add version label to file in format: [Filename]_v[version#].[extension]
  $filesplit = $file.Name.split(".") 
  $fullname = $filesplit[0] 
  $fileext = $filesplit[1] 
  $FullFileName = $fullname+"_v"+$version.VersionLabel+"."+$fileext   
  #Can't create an SPFile object from historical versions, but CAN download via HTTP
  #Create the full File URL using the Website URL and version's URL
  $fileURL = $webUrl+"/"+$version.Url
  #Full Download path including filename
  $DownloadPath = $destinationfolder+"\"+$FullFileName
  #Download the file from the version's URL, download to the $DownloadPath location
  HTTPDownloadFile "$fileURL" "$DownloadPath"
# Function: DownloadDocLib
# Description: Downloads a document library's files; called GetGileVersions to download versions.
# Credit 
# Used Varun Malhotra's script to download a document library
# as a starting point:
# Variables
# $folderUrl: The Document Library to Download
# $DownloadPath: The destination to download to
function DownloadDocLib($folderUrl)
    $folder = $web.GetFolder($folderUrl)
    foreach ($file in $folder.Files) 
        #Ensure destination directory
  $destinationfolder = $destination + "\" + $folder.Url 
        if (!(Test-Path -path $destinationfolder))
            $dest = New-Item $destinationfolder -type directory 
        #Download file
        $binary = $file.OpenBinary()
        $stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($destinationfolder + "\" + $file.Name), Create
        $writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($stream)
  #Download file versions. If you don't need versions, comment the line below.
  GetFileVersions $file
# Function: DownloadSite
# Description: Calls DownloadDocLib recursiveley to download all document libraries in a site.
# Variables
# $webUrl: The URL of the site to download all document libraries
function DownloadSite($webUrl)
 $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $webUrl
 #Create a folder using the site's name
 $siteFolder = $destination + "\" +$web.Title+" Documents"
 $createSiteFolder = New-Item $siteFolder -type directory 
 $destination = $siteFolder
 foreach($list in $web.Lists)
  if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
   Write-Host "Downloading Document Library: " $list.Title
   $listUrl = $web.Url +"/"+ $list.RootFolder.Url
   #Download root files
   DownloadDocLib $list.RootFolder.Url
   #Download files in folders
   foreach ($folder in $list.Folders) 
       DownloadDocLib $folder.Url
#Download Site Documents + Versions
DownloadSite "$site"
#Download Site Lists and Document Library Metadata
DownloadMetadata $site $destination